Its Hemp evaluates its seller companies’ products on the basis of 9 parameters that are at the same time rudiment and essential. Through this meticulous process, we aim to enable our consumers to look at products with objective scrutiny and evaluating them unbiasedly. This evaluation and certification primarily depends on the information companies themselves provide and secondarily on the insights we gain by working in close relationship with them.
Quality in a product or service is not what the supplier puts in.
It is what the customer gets out and is willing to pay for. –Peter Drucker

There is hardly any company out there that does not claim to bring the finest, of the highest quality, and from the best source to its customers. These claims read like the preliminary dictation of a narrative. How then can consumers know what they are putting their trust in?
Through the Its Hemp Quality Badge. Even though Hemp is a simple plant, it has been surrounded by complications. Because the knowledge about and around the plant is still developing in the 21st century, the industry, on some unfortunate times, finds itself amidst malicious parties that try to cheat their way out with the consumers.
To avoid this, we dedicate ourselves to educate our consumers to the best of our ability. The Quality parameter takes into account the Quality Management standards followed by companies in combination with sustainable agricultural practices.
Quality Management Protocol
Its Hemp evaluates the key aspects of quality that companies root into the creation of their products. This protocol is inclusive of quality planning (developing products and/or services that meet or exceed customers’ expectations), quality assurance (implementing the said quality planning to the best potential), quality control (fulfilling quality requirements by reviewing all factors involved), and quality improvement (providing mechanisms and strategies to improve the quality).
Organic Hemp & Sustainable Agriculture
Its Hemp cares about the authenticity of the products our consumers trust themselves with. For this, we need to know that if our seller companies practice organic or sustainable hemp agriculture. Organic certification is virtually the most reliable way to ensure that the hemp-based products truly do not contain any toxins common to agriculture (pesticides, heavy metals, herbicides, soil additives.)
There are no traffic jams along the extra mile. –Roger Staubach

Keeping the spirit of sustainable living in mind, Its Hemp lauds companies that are efficate to the last decimal–not only in the production of their products but in their usage as well.
Product Efficiency
With special reference to products like supplements, edibles, and grooming, claims are always made. It rests upon the companies to uphold the truth to these claims. Its Hemp awards the Efficiency Badge to companies that can provide proof for their claims.
Production Efficiency
For companies that cater to the personal needs of consumers, doing things right is just as important as doing the right things. We applaud companies that avoid wastage of materials, effort, energy, money, and time in producing their results.
Safety is 30% common sense and 80% compliance. –Barry Spud

The products consumers trust their bodies with must uphold the safety regulations. The Hemp plant, and its various extracts, are used in the production of various medicinal and self-care supplements and as a food source. It is a major concern for Its Hemp to ensure the safety and well-being of its consumers.
The Its Hemp Safety Badge celebrates optimal efforts made especially for upholding established safety requirements.
All Necessary Certification and Reviews
Companies modelling personal care products (with different degrees of chemicals) must protect customers from harm. Its Hemp takes notice of the companies that keep their reviews and certifications updated and offer a transparency w.r.t. to the safety protocols.
Comprehensive Product Safety Screening Process
Consumers expect that the products they use in everyday life are safe when used as directed. It then falls upon the companies to maintain this trust. With comprehensive product safety screening processes, companies become aware of the potentialities of their products and can keep consumers informed as well.
Innovation is staying relevant. –Stephen Shaprio

Innovation is an integral part of human existence. Its Hemp believes that companies should continuously strive to better themselves. This, we believe, is an essential qualification for companies developing products from a plant such as Hemp.
Companies that offer the most basic products with loose insights on the advanced techniques and technology do not qualify for this badge. We believe innovation is multi-dimensional. Therefore, our innovation criteria includes
Thinking About the Future
Its Hemp evaluates the key aspects of quality that companies root into the creation of their products. This protocol is inclusive of quality planning (developing products and/or services that meet or exceed customers’ expectations), quality assurance (implementing the said quality planning to the best potential), quality control (fulfilling quality requirements by reviewing all factors involved), and quality improvement (providing mechanisms and strategies to improve the quality).
Innovation of Product, Process, and base Business Model
Its Hemp cares about the authenticity of the products our consumers trust themselves with. For this, we need to know that if our seller companies practice organic or sustainable hemp agriculture. Organic certification is virtually the most reliable way to ensure that the hemp-based products truly do not contain any toxins common to agriculture (pesticides, heavy metals, herbicides, soil additives.)
Products are made in a factory but brands are created in the mind. –Walter Landor

The brand never belongs to the company owners but to the viewers. The people who experience your company are the ones who decide their fate. In a world of start-ups where companies can be lined up in a row, distinguished elements always strike a chord.
Balance between Emotional and Rational Branding
Whether you tug at people’s emotions or logic says something about your team. But if you can hit both of them at the same time, it says a lot. While Its Hemp values emotional and rational branding equally, it applauds the companies that can maintain a harmony between the two.
To qualify for the Its Hemp Brand Appeal Badge, companies must step out of the already established emotional and logical paradigm and create something that the consumers have never experienced before.
Balance between Product and Brand Value
Are you selling a product because it’s a good product or are you selling it because it belongs to your brand? Companies who take a hit at this choice gain the Its Hemp Brand Appeal Badge with great applause. We evaluate the companies’ strategies individually for product and brand value but companies that can sell both always receive the highest awards.
Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex. It takes a touch of genius–and a lot of courage–to move in the opposite direction. –E.F. Schumacher

The aesthetic beauty of a product matters more than we claim. Our senses hyperactivity react to the aesthetic beauty of a product in question displays thus dictating our conscious minds’ decision to accept or reject it.
Appropriation of Form, Shape Colour, Texture, Proportion, and Symmetry
The basics of product design hover around the areas of form, shape, colour, texture, proportion, and symmetry. Its Hemp values the brilliant minds that can work on creating a harmonious balance among these 5 dimensions. Companies that create a product with an appropriate proportion of these dimensions qualify for the Aesthetics badge.
Subjective Relativity
The notion of beauty (physical or metaphorical) is not universal. But the majority of products manufactured by the companies are. Therefore, to qualify for the Its Hemp Aesthetic badge, a company has to establish an intersection between the objective usability and subjective beauty of the product.
Versatility is the extra string to a player’s bow. –Alex Chamberlain

In a world of innovations, Its Hemp believes that the ability to be fluid is imperative. Companies that model products that show high versatility and least resistance qualify the Its Hemp Versatility badge.
In specific reference to apparels, goodies, and accessories, fluidity is an important characteristic. Products that serve multiple purposes across multiple dimensions are always more valued, both by consumers and by Its Hemp.
Any product that needs a manual to work is broken. –Alan Musk

Companies reside in the minds of the consumers as long as they reside in their lives. Providing durable products to consumers is an important aspect for Its Hemp. We celebrate companies that present consumers with products that remain serviceable without excessive maintenance.
Minimum Maintenance
Consumers pour a lot of time into deciding the product that will become a part of their lives. They shouldn’t have to dedicate more time to keep it working thereafter. Its Hemp extols products that serve their purpose without calling for much attention.
Reparability and Regenerability
We advocate sustainable living. Therefore, it is important for us that the products we endorse should offer good and healthy reparability and regenerability in conjunction with maintenance. A truly durable product must be capable of adapting to technical, technological, and design developments.
There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about. –Margaret J. Wheately

Isn’t it fun to introduce something to consumers they didn’t know they cared about? It is rather difficult to make someone care. But that is where the true talent of a company lies.
Its Hemp believes in fostering communities of like-minded individuals every step of the way. Unlike corporates the exist independently on the 5th floor of a building, we believe in companies that stay on the ground and encircle everyone around them.
The Its Hemp Community Building Badge celebrates teams that work dedicatedly towards developing a fraternity–of enthusiasts; of thinkers; of believers.
Relatability and Consistency
Friendships form only where there is relatability. Its Hemp evaluates companies on the basis of the effort they put into making themselves relatable to their diverse audience and in maintaining the consistency in doing so.
Inclusion of Community
A true community is something everyone does together. Its Hemp praises companies that present their consumers and target audience with opportunities to gain in-hand knowledge and experience.
Its Hemp constantly updates its badges criteria in accordance with the changing needs, times, technologies, and innovations. The seller companies are always under close scrutiny–all in an effort to provide nothing but the best to consumers.