Hemp oil is gaining popularity because of its organic therapeutic and nutritional benefits. It is a rich source of protein and essential high-quality nutrients. Hemp oil has been used as a remedy since antiquity.
In the present day, hemp oil finds increasing usage as an ingredient in food, medicine, and skincare. In this article, we have curated the most significant uses and benefits of hemp oil.
Keeps Skin Young and Healthy
One of the most common benefits of hemp oil is its effect on skin health. Hemp oil is rich in fatty acids which makes it an excellent choice for nourishing the skin. It also helps in protecting against inflammation, oxidation, and ageing. It also strengthens the skin’s ability to resist infections.
Several scientific studies have found that hemp seed oil may be helpful in the treatment of skin conditions such as Eczema, Dermatitis, Psoriasis, Lichen, Planus, and Acne Rosacea.
It’s Edible!
This has to be among the craziest health benefits of hemp oil. Around 49% of the weight of hemp seed is edible oil. It contains 76% of polyunsaturated fats and omega-6 fatty acids such as linoleic acid (LA, 54%) and gamma-linolenic acid (GLA, 3%), and omega-3 fatty acids such as alpha-linolenic acid (ALA, 17%) and stearidonic acid (2%).
In addition, hemp seed oil contains 5-11% monounsaturated fat and 5-7% saturated fat. In comparison with other oils and fats, hemp seed oil provides 9kcal/g. It is comparatively low in saturated fat and rich in polyunsaturated fat.
However, it has a relatively low smoke point and is not suitable for frying. Thus, its prime use is as food oil and dietary supplement.
Keeps the Heart Healthy
Certain bioactive compounds present in the oil lower blood cholesterol levels and protect the heart. The oil contains omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids in the optimal ratio of 3:1 and is thus beneficial for cardiovascular health.
According to studies, the key benefit of hemp oil in the body is the reduction in cholesterol absorption. Consuming 30mL of oil every day for four weeks can reduce the ratio of total cholesterol to HDL cholesterol thus promoting heart health. The essential fatty acids in hemp oil reduce the levels of unhealthy fats in the body and enhance cardiovascular health.
Improves Mood
Several studies show that essential fatty acids are important for maintaining brain function. The endocannabinoid system regulates the release of neurotransmitters, some of which play major roles in symptoms of illnesses such as anxiety and depression.
Major health benefits of hemp oil come into play here because regularly consuming essential fatty acids gives the body the ability to produce these lipids and thus elevates the mood.
Beneficial during pregnancy
The benefits of hemp oil for pregnant women are also owed to omega-3 fatty acids. As per an American study, adequate intake of omega-3 fatty acids is critical during pregnancy as they are the building blocks of the fetal brain and retina and also play a major role in preventing perinatal depression.
It also helps in preventing preterm delivery and promote an easier birth and the baby’s optimum lifelong wellness. However, more ground research is needed to support this. Some research highlights the ill effects of hemp seed oil during pregnancy. Therefore, we recommend consultation with your physician.
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Hemp seeds, powder, and oil offer a plethora of health benefits such as protecting the brain and heart health, aiding in weight loss, improving skin health, etc. This article takes a look at 10 unexpected benefits of hemp.
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Hemp oil is a skin superhero. It is rich in essential fatty acids, amino acids, and vitamin E. In this article, we understand why hemp oil is great for the skin and 9 amazing ways in which it can be used for skin and hair care.
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In addition to strict diets and workout regimes, people are also turning to plant-based alternatives that boost the functioning of the immune system. One such alternative is using hemp for immunity. Hemp seeds are a storehouse of nutrition. And they can easily complement our diet and exercise regime in the form of seeds, hearts, oil, powder, and more! This article highlights the top 7 Hemp Foods in India that can boost your immunity and general well-being.
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Athletes who partake in strenuous exercise require a slightly increased quantity of protein in their diet. Hemp protein is becoming the next go-to source of plant-based protein for athletes.
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Hemp protein powder is a 100% plant-based, a gluten-free dietary supplement that can cater to about 10% of our daily protein needs. This article lists 5 simple ways in which hemp protein powder can be added to our everday diet.
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Finding affordable hemp products in India can be challenging. Especially if you’re not looking at the right place. It might take you a long time to understand that hemp products can be affordable and for everyone. To make the process easier for you, we have collated a list of hemp products in India that are all under ₹1,999.
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It’s a common misconception that Hemp products in India are super expensive and niche, and are exclusively meant for those with big money. To break this myth, we have collected a list of 14 awesome, useful, and super affordable hemp products in India, all under ₹999.Â
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Hemp hearts are hulled hemp seeds that are rich in micronutrients and offer a plethora of health benefits to the human body. This article lists 4 main reasons to eat hemp hearts daily.
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Recently, there has been an increasing craze for hemp clothing in India. Fashion enthusiasts, as well as those who actively fight for the planet’s health, are discovering, learning, and adopting hemp clothing in India.
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Ananta Hemp Works is redefining clean beauty with its herbal, plant-based personal care range. In this article, we understand what makes their products ‘different’ and why more consumers should use them.
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