If you’re looking for 4 absolutely amazing reasons to eat hemp hearts daily, you’ve come to the right place! Hemp hearts are becoming an important part of people’s everyday diet in India. Their health benefits are too many to list. Still, in this article, we look at the top 4 reasons to eat hemp hearts daily.
Hemp Hearts are raw, de-shelled or “hulled” hemp seed interiors. They are technically soft textured nuts and are rich in micronutrients.
They are soft, chewy, and can be eaten alone or added to several foods like soups, salads, and smoothies. Additionally, they have various remarkable health benefits.
4 Reasons to Eat Hemp Hearts Daily
They’re Loaded with Protein
Primarily, our body uses protein to repair damaged muscles. But protein is also responsible for the proper growth of our immune cells, skin, nails, and hair. Hemp hearts are a complete source of protein as they contain all 20 amino acids, 9 essential, and 2 semi-essential amino acids.
They hold substantial amounts of methionine and cysteine, as well as high levels of arginine and glutamic acid. These are required for vital processes such as the synthesis of hormones and neurotransmitters. About 25% of calories in hemp seeds are from protein. In fact, 30 grams of hulled hemp seeds provide about 11 grams of protein, more than a single egg and nearly three times as much as that of chia seeds.
The digestibility of hemp hearts is also better than that of many common nuts, legumes, and grains such as almonds, whole wheat, canned lentils, pinto beans, and rolled oats.
They Improve Heart Health
Research shows that hemp hearts are high in both Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. These fatty acids help reduce levels of triglycerides (a type of fat associated with an increased risk of heart attack or stroke). They also reduce the growth rate of plaque in arteries and decrease the danger of blood clotting.
Additionally, hulled hemp seeds have a high amount of amino acid arginine, which produces nitric oxide in our bodies. Nitric oxide dilates our blood vessels and helps in lowering blood pressure. Thereby, it reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
They Make Our Bones Healthy
Though it’s not the most famous or glamorous benefit of hemp hearts, it is one of the biggest! A 30-gram serving delivers 210 milligrams of magnesium and 495 milligrams of phosphorus, which is 68% and 70% of recommended daily intake of these micronutrients respectively.
Both these nutrients are required by our body to build and maintain stronger bones and teeth. They reduce the risk of bone fractures and osteoporosis.
Supports Digestion
Hemp hearts provide relief to people with digestive issues such as constipation. They are an excellent source of both soluble and insoluble fibres. Soluble fibre is beneficial for digestive bacteria and reduces spikes in blood sugar. Insoluble fibre adds mass to stool and helps water and food pass through the gut.
Ways to Include Hemp Hearts in Your Diet
Eat them raw! They are excellent snacks especially for diets like Keto, Paleo, Whole 30, Macro etc.
Directly add them to a smoothie.
Simply out them on top of your avocado or peanut butter toast.
Sprinkle them on top of your cereal.
Make them an ingredient in your favourite salad.
Bake them into muffins, bread, cookies, or any other baked goodies.
Cook them into oatmeal, burgers, granola bars etc.
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Hemp oil is a skin superhero. It is rich in essential fatty acids, amino acids, and vitamin E. In this article, we understand why hemp oil is great for the skin and 9 amazing ways in which it can be used for skin and hair care.
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In addition to strict diets and workout regimes, people are also turning to plant-based alternatives that boost the functioning of the immune system. One such alternative is using hemp for immunity. Hemp seeds are a storehouse of nutrition. And they can easily complement our diet and exercise regime in the form of seeds, hearts, oil, powder, and more! This article highlights the top 7 Hemp Foods in India that can boost your immunity and general well-being.
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Athletes who partake in strenuous exercise require a slightly increased quantity of protein in their diet. Hemp protein is becoming the next go-to source of plant-based protein for athletes.
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Finding affordable hemp products in India can be challenging. Especially if you’re not looking at the right place. It might take you a long time to understand that hemp products can be affordable and for everyone. To make the process easier for you, we have collated a list of hemp products in India that are all under ₹1,999.
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Hemp hearts are hulled hemp seeds that are rich in micronutrients and offer a plethora of health benefits to the human body. This article lists 4 main reasons to eat hemp hearts daily.
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As we get older, our nutritional needs, appetite, and food habits change for a number of reasons. Hemp seeds are a powerhouse of nutrition that can cater to the demanding nutritional needs of the seniors in our lives.